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Modular/ Pre-Fabricated Building Solutions (Ref: 5028-3946 )
Modular/pre-fabricated buildings are frequently being used by NHS organisations to meet the increasing demand for facilities. They provide a cost-effective solution for establishing buildings rapidly without interrupting services.
This framework offers a quick and compliant route to market and covers a wide range of modular/pre-fabricated buildings that can be purchased or hired. These buildings can be designed, constructed, delivered, installed and maintained according to clients’ requirements, and is accessible by all NHS organisations and the wider public sector in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Start date
End date
Contract type
Framework agreement
Framework owner
Award type
Further competition
Lot 1 - Catalogue of Products
Lot 2 - Purchase and Hire of Modular/Pre-fabricated Buildings
Lot 3 - Bespoke
List of suppliers and awarded lots
- Darwin Group
- Extra Space Solutions
- Imaging Matters Ltd
- Merit Holding Ltd
- ModuleCo
- ModuleCo Healthcare Ltd
- MTX Contracts Ltd
- Premier Modular Ltd
- Vanguard Healthcare Solutions
- Western Building Systems Ltd.
Contact name
Contact email
Contact number
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